Freedom Without Values is Chaos

As we watch what is happening across our country it has become apparent that we desperately need to bring back American Values. When given freedom of choice, our values enable us to make the right choice.  And to do that, we must understand the difference between right and wrong. It is wrong to steal, it is wrong to cheat, it is wrong to lie, it is wrong to loot, it is wrong to kill innocent people, it is wrong to abuse children, it is wrong to break the law. (There is more but I think you get the picture).

Most people would agree that these are values we all hold dear but if so, how can our country be in such disarray? Somehow our value system has been compromised by the word ‘tolerance’. If we impose our values on someone we are called out as intolerant. But our values is what defines us as a great nation.

When given freedom of speech, our values enable us to be respectful when exercising this right. When given the freedom to protest, our values is what keeps us from looting, burning cars and violence.

When people share a common set of values, they don’t need a lot of laws to govern their actions. But as our values diminish so does our freedom as more laws and controls are put in place to manage our choices.  We need to bring back American Values.  We need to bring back the Pledge of Allegiance in schools.  And we need to bring back our country’s faith in God.

Freedom without values is chaos.

And that’s The Wicked Truth!