Are We Worse Off With Democrats in Charge?

No matter what your situation was a year ago, we ARE worse off since the Democrats invaded D.C.  Fuel has nearly doubled, groceries cost a lot more, cars are more expensive, buying a house is almost out of reach for most folks and inflation is going up-up-up, just to name a few things. If you work for corporate America, you are lucky to see a 3% raise.   Small businesses are being squeezed out and the middle class is feeling the pain.  Meanwhile the Democrats continue to recklessly spend our tax dollars leaving us (taxpayers) and our kids to foot the bill.   If you voted Democrat in the past, you are directly responsible for this mess. It’s time for you to leave the Democrat plantation, apologize to America for the harm you caused and vote for Republicans in 2024.  You can’t fix the past but you can make a difference in the future.  Don’t hose it up!

And that IS the Wicked Truth.