What Are YOU Waiting For?

WHAT are YOU waiting for????

  • Are you waiting for social media to censor your voice? DONE
  • Are you waiting for elections to be stolen? DONE
  • Are you waiting for the government to require you take an experimental vaccine? DONE
  • Are you waiting for schools to teach racial divide? DONE
  • Are you waiting for gas prices to double? DONE
  • Are you waiting for illegal migrants to overrun our borders? DONE

WHAT are YOU waiting for? Ask yourself Where is your line of “I’ve had enough?”

It’s time that you stop waiting for someone else to save you because no one is coming. It’s time to get off your ass and do something about it.
Join a freedom focused organization. Post on social media. Share comments that align with your voice. Boycott businesses that don’t align with your values. Attend a community meeting. Run for local office. Support conservative candidates. Be a poll watcher. Say NO to unconstitutional mandates. Email your government representative to demand action. Donate money and provide support to someone who is willing to fight.